Basic Page Components Back TOC Next

To insert basic components into the page right-click anywhere (not on an existing component) and then select from the options available under Insert. Some components will need more input, for example images will request a file to upload.

Any component can be edited, moved or removed at any time using the context-sensitive menu displayed when right-clicking on it. Any component can be moved and resized by drag-and-drop.

There are components that are depending on other components. Such components are inserted from the context menu of the master component.


Text Elements

There are two types of text elements, Headings and General Texts, which differ by their default appearance attributes. Headings will require some text at creation time. General Texts will be initially inserted empty or imported by uploading a text file.

  • Texts can be formatted with all the common word processing features
  • Images can be inserted within text elements either by uploading either by external referencing
  • Texts can change their foreground and / or background color when the visitor pass the mouse over.
  • Links can be associated to selected text segments.
  • Texts can be targeted by actions so they will change their content and / or appearance.


Images can be added as independent elements or embedded in text elements. Independent images provide the following features:

  • The picture can change when the visitor pass the mouse over.
  • Part(s) of images (circles and / or rectangles) can be mapped so actions can be associated and executed when the visitor pass the mouse over or click on them.
  • Images can be targeted by actions so they will change their content and / or appearance, if any.


FoxSet Studio supports Text Buttons and Image Buttons. Both types provides the following abilities:

  • Change its own appearance on mouse over should any action on click be available
  • Change other components content and / or appearance on mouse over
  • Change other components (frames included) content and / or appearance on click
  • Open new windows, navigate to another URL or to close the window
  • Execute different actions on subsequent clicks
  • Change its own appearance when no more actions on click are available
  • Start, stop or rewind flash movies
  • Start / stop sounds (only in MS Internet Explorer)

Tables offer the following features:

  • Add / remove / merge / split rows and columns
  • Format text per cell, row or column
  • Change the inherited style per cell, row or column
  • Insert links on selected text segments
  • Insert images either by uploading either by external referencing

Rectangles getting border and / or background style are intended to support the page graphical design.

Containers (Page Content) . Content of another page can be inserted within the current page as a container. The content, the border and the background are controlled in the source page; therefore future modification in the source page will be automatically propagated into the hosting page. The appearance of the included components is according to the defaults defined in the hosting page, however attributes set individually in the source page are kept.

Frames also allow inserting other page content within the current page. Distinctly from containers, frames are independent components on the host page, can have scrollbars and can be targeted by actions. If a page is designed to be displayed only within a frame of another page, you are supposed to set the Parent attribute:

If the Parent attribute is set and the direct link is accessed (from a search engine from example), the parent page will open instead and the requested page will be displayed within the biggest frame, if any, of the parent.

User Input elements allow capturing visitors' input and emailing it and / or sending it to another page (a customized page processing data or an acknowledgement page such as Thank You pages).

  • Text line
  • Multi-line text
  • Radio box
  • Checkbox
  • Select
  • Submit

Date Elements will display the current date.

Macromedia Flash Animations can be placed onto the pages and controls (buttons, menu options, etc.) can bee interact with them (start, pause, rewind).