Initiating Dynamic Page Changes Back TOC Next

Page changes are performed when specific events occur. The first step of designing dynamic behaviour is to select an event that will perform the desired changes. With one exception, events occur when specific visitor actions occur, hence the interactive behaviour: specific actions of the visitor will result in specific page changes. The event which may result in page changes without visitor interaction is loading the page; you can design changes that will be applied after a specific time interval has elapsed since the page was loaded, for example do some changes after 3 seconds, do other changes after another 4 seconds and so on.

The same event can be updated as many times as desired. Future updates will add new actions or will overwrite existing ones.

Events initialized by visitors are related to a page element, the visitor will move the mouse over the element or he/she will click the element. The page elements (control elements) accepting visitor events are buttons, menu options, quiz options and image areas.

Initiate actions on mouse over
Right-click on the control element and select
On Mouse Over / Page Target(s).
Initiate actions on click
Right-click on the control element and select
On Click / Page Target(s).
Initiate actions on subsequent clicks
Right-click on the control element and select
On Click / Add Sequence / Page Target(s).
Initiate actions on page load
Right-click on the page (not on an existing element) and select On Load / Page Target(s).
Initiate subsequent actions on page load
Right-click on the page (not on an existing element) and select On Load / Add sequence / Page Target(s).
Once you select an activating event the toolbox background color changes and the page name is replaced with an info message indicating what kind of event you are setting: