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FoxSet Studio is a multi-user environment meaning that many users can work simultaneously on the same website. However FoxSet Studio does not allow more than a user to work on the same page at the same time and therefore you won't be able to open pages locked by other user.

Locked pages are indicated so in the main menu and they cannot be opened. Yet it is possible that another user opens a page after you loaded the main menu so there is no indication the page is in fact locked. If you try to open a page in such a status the main menu will reload with fresh locking info.

If a page is wrongly locked (lunch time, no time to logoff ) the page will be automatically unlocked after 30 minutes. Administrators and the user owning the lock have the permission to unlock.

Pages can be edited, and therefore opened, in content mode or in design mode:

  • Content mode allows modifying text elements including images and navigation links embedded within text elements.
  • Design mode allows full editing functionality including page geometry, behaviour, adding/removing elements and adding/removing pages.

Users need appropriate permissions to edit pages in any mode, e.g. a user with authoring permission won't be able to open pages in design mode.

There are few ways to open a page:

1. All pages can be opened from the main menu by clicking on the page name (the page will open in content mode or design mode according to user's permissions):

2. Users with design permissions will get a pop menu allowing them to open the page either in design mode, either in content mode:
3. In design mode pages that are embedded in other pages either as containers either as frames can be opened from the hosting page by right-clicking on the hosted page and selecting Edit Source:
4. In content mode clicking on imported text elements will prompt to open the source page:
5. If you're trying to delete a page and there are connections to it, you'll have the option to edit the page connecting to the page you want to delete: